Thursday, 14 July 2011

Animal abuse

Definition of animal abuse- Animal abuse is the infliction of suffering or harm upon non-human animals, for purposes other than self-defense. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur.

Animal abuse is a horrible act that can be inflicted on pets, stray animals and even animals used for battle such as horses. Animal abuse can be inflicted by different ways such as physical abuse or even mental abuse. 

Tips on how we can stop animal abuse around the world

1.                     Know who to call to report animal cruelty. We're lucky here at the ASPCA in New York City because we have Humane Law Enforcement Agents who have the power to investigate and arrest perpetrators of animal cruelty in the state of New York. But every state and every town are different. In some areas, you may have to rely on the police department to investigate animal cruelty; in others, you may have to contact local animal control or another municipal agency. If you aren't sure where to report cruelty, please visit our Report Animal Cruelty section.

2.                     Get to know and look out for the animals in your neighborhood. By being aware, you're more likely to notice, for example, that the dog next door who was once hefty has lost weight rapidly—a possible indicator of abuse.

3.                     Make the call. Without phone calls from concerned citizens who report cruelty in their neighborhoods, we wouldn't know about most instances of animal abuse. It all comes from the public, it all starts with YOU—that's why it's so important to keep your eyes and ears open.

4.                     Provide as much as information as possible when reporting animal cruelty. The details that you provide can go a long way toward assisting an investigating officer. It helps to write down the type of cruelty you witnessed, who was involved, the date of the incident and where it took place.

5.                     Contact your local law enforcement department and let them know that investigating animal cruelty should be a priority. Animal cruelty is a CRIME—and the police MUST investigate these crimes.

6.                     Fight for the passage of strong anti-cruelty laws on federal, state and local levels by joining the ASPCA Advocacy Brigade. With stronger laws come tougher penalties. As an ASPCA Advocacy Brigade member, you'll receive emails asking you to write letters encouraging your legislators to pass these laws—and you can send them directly from our website.

7.                     Set a good example for others. If you have pets, be sure to always show them the love and good care they deserve. But it's more than just food, water, and adequate shelter. If you think your animal is sick, bring him to the veterinarian. Be responsible and have your animals spayed or neutered. And give your pets lots of hugs!

8.                     Talk to your kids about how to treat animals with kindness and respect. We regularly see children in homes where animal abuse has been reported. If a parent isn't treating the family's pets right, we tell the kids that their dog or cat would really appreciate fresh water every day or some daily playtime. If the animal has been left outside without shelter, we'll say, 'You have a nice house, and if you get cold, you can put a coat on. But your dog can't do that.' Children understand that animals are living creatures who have the ability to feel pain, joy and sadness.

9.                     Support your local shelter or animal rescue organization. It's a great way to make a difference. Some of our ASPCA volunteers foster animals who have been abused in their former homes, giving these dogs and cats the chance they deserve to have a good life. You can find a list of shelters and rescue groups in your area in our National Shelter Directory.

10.                 Start a Neighborhood Watch Program. Get to know the animals in your neighborhood and invite your friends and neighbors to do the same. Together you can keep an eye out for any suspicious behaviors—abuse and neglect of companion animals, the mistreatment of local wildlife, dogs left in hot cars and other signs of abuse.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Cat Abuse

Cat Abuse

Abandoned or Stray Cats - Japan - sign says, "Do not abandon animals! It is against tkthe law to abuse or to abandon animals" - photo by kelvin255

Cat abuse, in one form or another, is fairly widespread. It doesn't have to be the kind of abuse that hits the headlines, such as air gun shootings or cruelty of the worse kind. I can be in small forms such as not playing or paying any attention to your pet. It can also be in larger forms such as physically abusing your pet, not feeding your pet and just not caring about your pet in general.

It can be day to day neglect or the occasional beating by an irresponsible owner. The owner could be depressed or ill and therefore irritable and passes that on through neglect and violence. Or the person could just be plain bad having been abused himself, perhaps. It is sadly part of the human condition.

\Cat abuse and even animal abuse in general is a horrible thing to do and you can even be fined a few year of prison if you are caught doing so. It is a awful and disgusting act as you are affection an innocent creature. It is your own responsibility to look after your pet and if you are not capable of doing so, do not get a pet I the first place!

Yet another case of animal abuse: Cat thrown from HDB block

STOMPer Vince returned from his late-night supper to find this cat lying dead at his feet. Before he left, he had seen the cat, alive and well, prowling the second floor of the HDB block. The SPCA has verified that the cause of death was falling from a great height.

This case adds to the recent spate of animal abuse cases which have shocked the nation and angered animal lovers. Dogs have been beaten 
repeatedly, and even killed in one case. In response, the SPCA and animal activists have taken action by offering a monetary reward for information regarding the abuser in the case where a Pomeranian was brutally bashed to death.

Vince tells us what he saw:

"On 3rd September, I saw the cat, alive, on the second floor of block 439, Yishun Ave 11, around 1.30am.

"I was leaving the house for supper.

"When I came home, at about 2.30am, the cat was dead.

"The body was partially swollen and there was blood coming out of its mouth.

"The SPCA and police were informed about this abused case. The SPCA has just verified that the cat was thrown from a high floor and the fall was the cause of death.

"I hope that you would publish this email and pictures to aid the capture of the inhuman and heartless person who did this to this helpless cat."

Bird Abuse

Bird Abuse
Bird abuse is becoming more common around the world. Types of Bird abuse would include shooting of crows, starving them to death and the force-feeding of turkeys.

In countries such as Singapore, crows are being shot. Although they may cause nuisance, they are living creatures and do not deserve to die. Moreover, they are being caught and caged to be killed later. These usually happen near HDB flats.

Moreover, people adopt and buy these pets and do not commit to their pets. This may be the cause of character disorder in people. They may have a violent temperament. This is supported in a book called Just a dog by Arnold Arluke. This book shows the possible reasons for animal cruelty, one of them being character disorder.

Another abuse of birds is the force-feeding of geese. In Turkey, geese are stuffed with food until they die. The dish they make out of these geese is called Foie Gras. This is the dish of a geese liver. Although this is a dish that people there enjoy eating, this should be stopped as animals should not be tormented.

Ways we can stop bird abuse:

People with character disorder or a violent temperament should never commit themselves to take care of a pet. Moreover, a bird should have the freedom to fly. Hence, tormenting it at home would be considered bird cruelty.

Moreover, people and industries should stop killing rare and endangered birds for its feathers and value. This deprives their opportunity to be with their habitats. Hence, endangered birds should be well kept.
althought this video is a commercial but its about BIRD FREEDOM

Rabbit Abuse

Rabbit Abuse
Horrific animal abuse: Woman sits on bunny, crushing it to death
STOMPer Vernice was disturbed when she came across a video which depicted a woman sitting on a bunny, crushing it to death. The other two women in the room were amused by this. Please bring them to justice, says the STOMPer.

She says:

"I came across this video on Facebook. I do not own this video.

"This video shows three women hanging out.

"One of them took out a bunny and handled it roughly. She later sat on the bunny.

"However the bunny survived.

"She then took a heavy piece of glass and placed it on top of the bunny.

"By then the bunny obviously had difficulty breathing.

"Later she sat on the glass, hence killing the bunny.

"She seemed to be enjoying it as she was posing and laughing. The other two women laughed on.

"She continued to sit on the bunny even though it was dead.

"Please, if anyone knows those people or knows anyone who can bring them to justice, stop them ASAP."

Bunnies crushed to death: Why are China women doing this to rabbits and cats?
As if killing one rabbit is not enough, the woman who was filmed sitting on a bunny and crushing it to death went on to kill other bunnies, with the help of her girlfriends.

The Facebook video of the
 first killing was first alerted to STOMP by STOMPerVernice.

One woman was seen placing a bunny beneath a piece of glass and sitting on the glass, crushing the poor animal to death, as her two girlfriends laughed. 

In another email today (Nov 21), Vernice sent in more photos showing the same women apparently killing more rabbits, possibly my stepping on them to death.

Said Vernice:

"I was surfing the net to search for the video to show it to my dad. 

"I came across a blog and uncovered even more horrific photos of how the remaining bunnies end up.

"ALL OF THEM WERE DEAD! My hands went limp after seeing the photo."

Another STOMPer who came across the video, Jin Jialat, said:

"I chanced upon this cruel torturing on an online video which was uploaded onto the net three days ago, and I am deeply sadden by the act committed by the China girl! 

"I seriously condemn such acts and hope these girls will be arrested for the ill deeds they have done to this poor rabbit."

Cases of horrific animal abuse by China women seem to be rampant. 

Just recently, on Nov 15, STOMP posted a story about a woman in China crushing a little
 kitten to death with her high heels, disembowelling it and then posted the photos on the Internet.

And in 2006, another China woman posted pictures of herself stepping on a kitten and gouging its eyes with her stilettos. 

Dog Abuse

Do you know what has happened within only January? In the very fact there were already fifty-three cases of dog abusing in Singapore and it was only a month! Most of which were events where the dogs were kept very poor conditions. There were also cases where the dogs had been abused till it died. 

There was a man who had bashed a Pomeranian repeatedly till it died. Guess how much the reward to capture this man is. It was $16,000. Can you imagine yourself in that dogs shoes, to have been thrown against a wall repeatedly until blood gushes out your head. What a sad death. 
 There was another case whereby a man had continuously hit and hurl his dog at a wall, whilst trying train it to stand on its hind legs. Now the best part is which fool would post such a gruesome thing on Facebook? The video had even lasted fifteen minutes long.

There is also another case of extreme dog abuse in Utah, where a dog was fund in box. The dog’s ears, eyes and throat glued with PVC glue, it’s legs had a huge amount of fractures. And this Labrador dog or puppy was only sixteen weeks old when it had to be euthanized! What sort thing did the dog do to get such inhumane treatment? So why do the perpetrators of such a crime get to run around scot-free? 

What is worse is that we have such horrific cases within Singapore as well. For instance in STOMP!, a man had bashed up a dog relentlessly with a metal chain. After being stopped by a foreign worker, the dog was sent to the hospital. It’s face was heavily disfigured and had many lumps and dead skin. It turned out that it’s upper jaw was broken. Though it survived in the end ( but still is in a critical condition) , will the dog be ever to feel the warmth of a home or will wait till it is put to sleep after being in a locked cage?

  So what do these examples tell us? Dogs are such loyal companions and yet we, the humans who domesticated them, created a bond with them can do such things to a creature which loves us. In Singapore, there 933 cases of animal abuse. The dogs make up the majority. So, please, keep your house in proper hygiene for our furry friend. Don’t tie nor cage them up at home, please feed it, give it water, take care of it and be gentle. Don’t vent your anger on them no matter how mischievous they are and don’t get a dog because everyone has one, get one because you care.